Halloween 2020 and COVID-19: What is changing this year?

In a year that's been plenty scary, this much is clear: Pandemic Halloween will be different than regular Halloween. Many traditional ways of celebrating are now considerably more frightful than usual, because now they bring the risk of spreading the coronavirus.

Accordingly, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued new guidelines on how to celebrate Halloween safely. No big surprise: Classic door-to-door trick-or-treating and crowded, costume parties are not recommended.

With this in mind, West Side Kids has a plan… let’s do drive-by trick-or-treating! The plan is to recruit congregation members to “host” trick-or-treaters. Safe treats will be outside on their doorsteps, kids will take treats and show off their costumes through the window. This will be a special way to connect and share love… from a distance!

We will make up two different routes for convenience, a north and south. We would also like to encourage you to invite other families who are looking to have a safe and special time with their kids. Just remember to travel in separate cars and keep social distancing once you arrive at the house.

A few notes about masks. A costume mask is no substitute for a cloth mask, according to the agency, but don't double up with one over the other because that can make it hard to breathe. Instead, consider a Halloween-themed cloth mask, the CDC suggests. A costume mask can protect against spreading the coronavirus if it's like a regular cloth mask: two or more layers of breathable fabric covering the nose and mouth, without gaps around the face.

Look for additional information to come out once October 31 approaches!
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