Lots Happening for Pastor Chris!

By Chris Koch
Senior Director of Ministry
There are three events coming up that you can keep me in prayer for and celebrate with me about!
Thank you for being a part of my journey!
Senior Director of Ministry
There are three events coming up that you can keep me in prayer for and celebrate with me about!
- Prayer Retreat from May 9-12. Like Pastor Laurie did a couple weeks ago, I am heading to a monastery for a few days to devote to prayer, reflection, and study. I have done this kind of individual retreat every year for the past 16 years at monasteries and retreat centers in Belgium, Arizona, New York State, and Oregon, and it is a great time of enjoying God and receiving wisdom and insight. Pray for me while I am there that I would be open and receptive to receiving what God is giving to me.
- Another Step Closer to Ordination. Last week I was approved as a certified candidate for pastoral ministry by the Committee for Preparation for Ministry in the Seattle Presbytery, and the Committee on Ministry voted to approve West Side’s choice of me as the called candidate for my position. Pray for me as I am examined on the floor of Presbytery on June 22. If all goes well, I will be ordained in July!
- Counseling Internship. Starting in a few weeks I will begin a yearlong series of mental health counseling internships to complete my Masters in Counseling degree. I have been working to complete this degree for several years, with many stops and starts, so I am excited to complete these internships so that I can graduate. I will most likely be off-site on my study day on Thursdays during the year to accommodate for supervision and clients. I will also most likely be offering a Christian psychoeducational group at the church during the year as part of my internship on sexual wholeness, trauma and healing, or other subjects that could bring healing in our community. If you are interested in joining one of those groups there will be more information to come. Also, if you would be interested in short term individual or family pastoral counseling that is part of my role as a pastor at the church so you are welcome to contact me.
Thank you for being a part of my journey!