Posts with the category “announcements”

Young Life: Urgent Summer Camp Request
by Noël Foulk on July 11th, 2024
Have you ever considered helping at a Young Life camp? Or ever wanted to see what it was all about? This is your opportunity!We, as West Seattle Young Life, have an opportunity to help serve at Washington Family Ranch Canyon from July 14th-21st through what we're calling mini-sessions. These mini-sessions are made up of people just like you and me and they help our Summer Staff (college) and Work ...  Read More
Summer Daily Readings
by Noël Foulk on June 28th, 2024
Sunday, June 30: 1 Timothy 4:11-16Monday, July 1: Psalm 119:1-8 | Exodus 20:1-17 | Mark 10:17-31Tuesday, July 2: Psalm 119:9-16 | Deuteronomy 6:1-3 | Matthew 5:17-48Wednesday, July 3: Psalm 119:17-24 | Deuteronomy 6:4-9 | Matthew 12:1-14Thursday, July 4: Psalm 119:25-32 | Deuteronomy 6:10-12 | Matthew 15:1-9Friday, July 5: Psalm 119:33-40 | Deuteronomy 6:13-19 | Matthew 22:34-40Saturday, July 6: P...  Read More
Food Bank Fundraiser
by Noël Foulk on June 20th, 2024
The White Center Food Bank, one of our community partners, is hosting the 3rd Annual Taste of White Center benefiting the food bank.  With 30+ restaurants participating, attendees purchase $5 tickets to try a variety of foods like banh mi sandwiches, bubble tea, Indian fry bread tacos, and much more. Iconic restaurants like Puffy Pandy, Tomo, El Catrín, and others are ready to serve up amazing bit...  Read More
Meet Jovie, Our Summer Youth Intern
by Noël Foulk on June 20th, 2024
My name is Jovie Webbeking and I’m excited to announce that I will be the Youth Summer Intern here at West Side! I wanted to introduce myself so you could get to know me a little bit better.A favorite Summer activity of mine is going to the beach with a good book for the afternoon. I also enjoy taking the time to be a tourist of Seattle, whether it be having a picnic at the UW arboretum or getting...  Read More
Food Bank for VBS
by Noël Foulk on June 12th, 2024
At VBS this year, the mission the kids will be learning about is Food Banks! We will be learning about food insecurity and what we can do to help others in our community. To go along with this, we will be gathering donations for the White Center Food bank all week at VBS. We would love to have you join us! You can bring items on Sunday (6/24 or 6/30) or donate by scanning the QR code.Food Items:Ca...  Read More
Welcome New Elder and Deacons
by Noël Foulk on June 11th, 2024
Sunday, June 9,  we ordained and installed the new elders and deacons elected by the congregation. Please include them in your prayers for the leaders here at West Side. We are grateful for their willingness to serve....  Read More
Views of West Side
by Noël Foulk on May 15th, 2024
Calling all visual and fiber artists. The church’s Create! Group is putting together an exhibition of art this fall and we welcome any and all West Siders to create a piece for the show. Visual and fiber arts encourage us to draw near to God in our worship and see God’s grace and image in the people of our fellowship community. Exodus 35 describes how God’s Spirit fills people with wisdom, knowled...  Read More
The Welcome Table
by Noël Foulk on April 26th, 2024
The Welcome Table needs blankets and men’s work clothing.Smaller sized (twin and full size) blankets, sheets, or fleece throws are most in need. The clothing should be appropriate for men working outdoors and in construction (jeans, khakis, hoodies, sweatshirts, heavy boots, etc.). If you have unneeded items like these in your closets and drawers you can drop them at West Side, and we will make su...  Read More
Perkins Lecture Series at SPU
by Noël Foulk on April 12th, 2024
On April 23, Seattle Pacific University and the John Perkins Center will hold their annual event and this year it is the celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Perkins Lecture Series see information HERE.There are a few folks planning to attend so if you are interested in attending please let us know as we put together a group from West Side. You can let Dee West ( or Rick B...  Read More
The Summer Garage Sale for Marybeth and The Mashiah Foundation
by Noël Foulk on April 12th, 2024
We are beginning to collect items for our annual cul-du-sac sale that will take place this summer. If you would like to donate any items they would be much appreciated. You may drop off at 5629 SW Manning or we can pick up at your convenience. Call Russ at 206-972-9696. One hundred percent of the money that comes in from the sale goes straight to The Mashiah Foundation.The Mashiah Foundation is a ...  Read More
Hear about Musalaha's work to heal Israeli-Palestinian strife
by Noël Foulk on April 11th, 2024
Friends,The death and destruction unleashed by the Gaza-Israel War deeply troubles many of us. Yet in the midst of the heartbreaking violence, Musalaha remains committed to healing the strife between Israelis and Palestinians.Musalaha – an Arabic word for reconciliation – is a Jerusalem-based organization founded by Palestinian Christians more than 30 years ago. Its primary mission is to bring Isr...  Read More
Getting Our (Biblical) Story Straight on AI and Christian Discipleship
by Noël Foulk on March 29th, 2024
What is the story you are telling yourself or being told about the AI revolution we are living through? Does it make you excited, fearful or confused (or all three!)? One thing’s for sure: AI provides great opportunities to think about and have conversations around life’s fundamental questions, for which we find terrific guidance in the Bible. This class explores three of those questions with lead...  Read More
Renewal Ministries NW - A Day of Reflection
by Noël Foulk on March 28th, 2024
The inspiration to start having these "Days of Reflection" for Women came during the pandemic when it became clear that the challenges (and opportunities) women face were really magnified during that season and beyond. In keeping with our mission at Renewal Ministries Northwest "to engage people in deeper relationships with Jesus" we see this as an offering of spiritual formation for women experie...  Read More
Cold Weather Clothing Drive
by Noël Foulk on February 15th, 2024
Warm clothing and outdoor supplies wanted. See Urgent Request below. West Side will have a warm weather clothing drive - to collect items for The Welcome Table February 18-25. Please bring your clean clothing items or outdoor supplies to West Side and leave at our Welcome Center (Sunday mornings or Tu-Fri, 9am-1pm). They will be delivered to The Welcome Table for distribution. We are bereft. The l...  Read More
Young Life Club Dates
by Noël Foulk on February 7th, 2024
Hello West Seattle Community!We have our club dates scheduled for the remainder of the school year! All meetings will be from 7:15-8:25 pm at Trinity West Seattle (7551 35th Ave SW, Seattle 98126).Themes/changes for these clubs will be sent in a reminder email before the club. For the quickest information look to our insta page @westseattleyounglifeWe hope to provide a meal, fun and games, and a m...  Read More
Changes in Youth and Children's Leadership and Introducing the Youth Apprentice Team
by Noël Foulk on January 26th, 2024
Youth and children’s ministries are important aspects of our ministry at WSPC and we feel confident in God’s work among youth and children and our calling to teach and model a life changing relationship with Christ.WSPC has always been blessed to have great staff and volunteers leading these ministries.  Over the past several years, Stacy Kutz has done a great job as Youth and Families Director, a...  Read More
Strategic Vision Team - January Update
by Noël Foulk on January 19th, 2024
Thank you for praying for the Strategic Vision team that met with our consultant from the Unstuck Group over January 14-15! We had a fruitful and encouraging two days, directed toward understanding our mission field, dreaming about a 5-year vision and clarifying initiatives toward that vision. One distinct theme that emerged is the gift that West Side’s longevity and stability as a worshiping cong...  Read More
Strategic Vision Team Meets Friday & Saturday
by Noël Foulk on January 11th, 2024
Let's be praying for the Strategic Vision team that is meeting with our consultant from the Unstuck Group all day this Friday and Saturday. We trust God's Spirit to respond to the prayers that have been offered over the past 30 days and those that are being offered as the team meets. Please pray for wisdom from above — for God's gospel vision — for unity — for joy — and for the weather to cooperat...  Read More
REFLECT: 7 Days of Prayer
by Noël Foulk on December 22nd, 2023
God's word in Micah 6:8  tells us, "He has shown you. O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” You’re invited to join in communal prayer beginning January 8 leading up to Martin Luther King Jr. Day on January 15. Sign up to receive daily prayer prompts that will lead us to reflect on the themes of peace, justi...  Read More
2023 Christmas Eve Offering
by Noël Foulk on December 7th, 2023
This special offering on Christmas Eve is received each year for special projects or programs that our missionaries have requested, that would enhance or meet needs in their ministries.If you are unable to join us Christmas Eve, you can donate online or send a check with "Christmas Eve Offering" in the memo line. Vic and Leslie TrautweinDental care for 850 children. Kids Alive, Dominican Republic....  Read More
Reverse Advent Calendar
by Noël Foulk on November 30th, 2023
Often an Advent calendar is used to count down the days until Christmas by opening a box and discovering an ornament or something that helps you focus on the Advent journey. A reverse Advent calendar focuses on giving something instead of receiving – a Christ centered idea indeed – since Christmas is all about God giving himself to us as a baby.The idea behind a reverse Advent calendar is simple. ...  Read More
Angel Tree Opportunities
by Noël Foulk on November 16th, 2023
The holidays are fast approaching. A child that is missing their parent due to incarceration needs YOU to help them feel loved and connected to that parent! Prison Fellowship offers inmates the opportunity to give their children a gift from them through volunteers like you.Here are different ways you can help:Choose a child or a family to buy a gift/gifts for the incarcerated parent to give to the...  Read More
Calling All Moms of Teens
by Noël Foulk on October 5th, 2023
Parenting kids into adults through middle school, puberty, and high school demands a whole new level of motherhood. Our kids are changing. We are changing. What worked before doesn't work anymore. The decisions they make have real consequences. It's painful to see them differentiate. It's amazing to see them grow. It's all overwhelming. Gain connection and support alongside other Moms of Teens wit...  Read More
Preaching Forgiveness & Reconciliation Conference & Mark Abbott Lecture
by Noël Foulk on October 5th, 2023
Join us for a special all-day conference. The conference will take place at First Free Methodist Church (right by SPU’s campus) from 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM, with a public lecture following the conference at 6:00 PM. Our Keynote Speaker for the conference and evening lecture is Rev. Dr. Joy J. Moore, an ordained elder in the United Methodist Church and the Professor of Biblical Preaching at Luther Semin...  Read More
Introducing…. Beth Reyes!
by Noël Foulk on September 21st, 2023
Beth has joined our staff part-time on an interim basis as Congregational Ministry Coordinator. Learn more about her below, including a connection you may not have realized to long time member, Kristin Pimblett! Family is very important to me. I’m part of a very successful blended family. In 1976, my mother, who was raising three girls, married my best friend’s father, who happen to be raising his...  Read More
Music at West Side
by Noël Foulk on September 20th, 2023
Love to sing?  If so, how about joining West Side’s choir?  WSPC choir is a great group of people who love fellowship, as well as singing great sacred music.  For more information about how you can be part of this wonderful group, please contact Anthony Spain at Do you have a passion for musical worship and would like to learn more about joining the worship team for contemporary...  Read More
Path From Poverty Presents Harambee
by Noël Foulk on September 20th, 2023
Registration is open for Harambee (Swahili for "pulling together")!You are invited to join us for a fun and inspiring evening. Enjoy a catered dinner and hear updates from our partners in Kenya. Try your luck in the raffle, sprint for delicious treats in the dessert dash, and shop at the Kenyan Marketplace.We look forward to celebrating with you. Your support will help us continue to bring life-ch...  Read More
Praying for Tallulah
by Noël Foulk on September 14th, 2023
Tallulah Reyes is doing an internship with Chi Alpha Campus Ministries at Western Washington University where she will be working with college students. Chi Alpha Campus Ministries exist to reconcile students to Christ – transforming the university, the marketplace, and the world. Please keep Tallulah in your prayers. Hello! I moved back to Bellingham on September 1st. It has taken me a little whi...  Read More
Adult DR Mission Trip
by Noël Foulk on September 8th, 2023
Is God calling you to serve more? Are you interested in learning about serving in a short term mission trip?This trip might be perfect for you! The amazing organization Kids Alive International serves kids living in impoverished conditions. These saints and school need us to come alongside them. Sunny weather, a little adventure and lots of fun are some of the perks.Any age (18 and older) and abil...  Read More
Catching Up With Bill and Betty Code
by Noël Foulk on August 31st, 2023
Carys ParkerPastoral InternThis summer, Carys Parker, West Side's Pastoral Intern, will be visiting with some of our members who are not able to be worshiping with us in-person. Be sure to check back each week to see what is happening with our dear friends! This week I had the privilege of going with Lin Snavely to visit Bill and Betty Code who just celebrated 75 years of marriage as well as Bill’...  Read More
Growing Deeper... Interior Examination
by Noël Foulk on August 18th, 2023
1. Study Guide from Waterbrook Multnomah Press.2. Sermon from Rich Villodas on Emotional Health, preached in Oct 20213. New Life also has a series on “Living an Authentic Life” - Here is the playlist4. A seminar that Pastor Chris gave during the height of the pandemic from NYC on Seeking Wisdom and Working Through Negative EmotionsBOOKS / RESOURCES1. The Gift of Being Yourself: The Sacred Call to ...  Read More
Keeping Up With Karol
by Noël Foulk on August 17th, 2023
On July 9th Karol hit the road for the cross-country adventure of a lifetime. Since then she has driven through Washington, Idaho, Wyoming, Nebraska and is currently in Iowa where she has spent four days helping to harvest, transport and sell vegetables at a Farmers Market in Albert City. Her cross-country road trip has brought many an opportunity like this — ones that take her off the road and in...  Read More
Growing Deeper... Practices of Sexual Wholeness
by Noël Foulk on July 20th, 2023
Study Guide from Waterbrook Multnomah Press.Sermon from Rich Villodas at New Life Fellowship Church on Sexual Wholeness – preached in 2022.  Sermon Series – New Life also has a sermon series called “God and Our Bodies” – Here is the Playlist on YouTube.Timothy Keller’s teaching on Sexuality and Christian Hope is excellent. Also available in Podcast from Gospel in Life: On Spotify and Online.BOOKS ...  Read More
Kenya Work Team 2023
by Noël Foulk on July 6th, 2023
"Nothing can touch the immense impact of the Kenya experience. If you want to make a real difference in someone’s life, if you want to have a cultural impact -become involved in PFP. It all starts with a water tank!"—Gretchen, Work Team 2023 volunteerThe Work Team 2023 trip to Makueni was incredible. The team worked hard building tank bases and learned about the challenges facing our partners in K...  Read More
Growing Deeper… Contemplative Practices
by Noël Foulk on July 6th, 2023
Sermon from Rich Villodas at New Life Fellowship Church on Contemplative Rhythms – preached in 2022.Study Guide from Waterbrook Multnomah Press. SABBATH RESOURSES Bible Project 5-Minute Sabbath VideoBible Project “Seventh-Day Rest – Sabbath” – 14 Video ResourcesSabbath and Scripture Podcasts from Christ City Church in Washington DC – 6 minute lectio divina podcasts on the theme of Sabbath.Sabbath ...  Read More
Catching Up With... Freda Ricord
by Noël Foulk on July 6th, 2023
Carys ParkerPastoral InternThis summer, Carys Parker, West Side's Pastoral Intern, will be visiting with some of our members who are not able to be worshiping with us in-person. Be sure to check back often to see what is happening with our dear friends! At the end of June I had the privilege of sitting down with Freda Ricord alongside Pat Nealson to reflect on her past 70 years at West Side. Freda...  Read More
A Look Back at Chris' Ordination
by Noël Foulk on July 6th, 2023
Type your new text here....  Read More
Thank You!
by Noël Foulk on June 29th, 2023
A sincere THANK YOU to the West Side family for sending me off into retirement in style! Sunday, June 25 was a gift and blessing together in worship and celebration, connecting with longtime church family as well as those new to my church family. Blessings to you all as I will continue to hold you close to my heart and in my prayers. Feel free to follow me on my Kross Kountry Adventure at:KrossKou...  Read More
West Side Presbyterian Church Choir Sings in Benaroya Hall
by Noël Foulk on June 29th, 2023
We all have moments in our life, whether collectively, and individually, when we wonder- “will the night soon pass?” (Isaiah 21:11–12).  During such moments we all look for inspiration and hope, and sacred music throughout the ages has offered an abundance of both.  One of the most powerful pieces of music I know that offers hope following long nights of the soul is Lobgesang by Felix Mendelssohn....  Read More
Welcome New Elders and Deacons
by Noël Foulk on June 29th, 2023
Sunday, June18,  we ordained and installed the new elders and deacons elected by the congregation. Please include them in your prayers for the leaders here at West Side. We are grateful for their willingness to serve....  Read More




