Keeping Up With Karol

On July 9th Karol hit the road for the cross-country adventure of a lifetime. Since then she has driven through Washington, Idaho, Wyoming, Nebraska and is currently in Iowa where she has spent four days helping to harvest, transport and sell vegetables at a Farmers Market in Albert City. Her cross-country road trip has brought many an opportunity like this — ones that take her off the road and into the farming world of rural mid-west America where she has put her wonderful energy and enthusiasm to work — as only Karol can! Her blog captures many an entertaining farm tale from taking 4-wheelers to check on the cattle water tanks to learning how to drive a Skid Steer forklift to picking 36 dozen sweet corn all in one morning to hunting down the nearest veterinarian to find medicine for sick chickens. Karol has also used this road trip as a meaningful opportunity to connect with dear family and friends —making memories and having intentional conversation.
What’s been your highlight of the trip so far?
Can’t come up with one highlight… as the driving two lane highways over multiple mountain passes, taking short hikes at the top of a couple of the passes were special. But the best part for sure has been the connections having significant conversations with longtime friends and dear cousins and their families.
What has been an unexpected plot-twist or event you have experienced on the road thus far?
Certainly from the very start of my trip the first awareness of the Lord’s presence and care was the Highway 2 washout from a gullywasher July 10 at the same time I was to drive it but I had decided to leave Seattle a day earlier! Thank you, Lord!
How can we be praying for you?
At the moment, I would say pray for my stamina, but that comes on the heels of a very busy 4 days of Farmers Market and Threshermans. What I’d really appreciate prayers for is as I continue to make connections with dear friends and family, that I would listen well, ask appropriate questions to probe deeper and speak only as the Holy Spirit leads. Several of the young adults I’ve spent time with are hurting and going through difficult situations. Sometimes I have the opportunity to pray with them, other times praying for them in the days and weeks to follow. “Lord may I have eyes and ears to see and hear beyond the surface, and be wise in counsel.”
I do miss my West Side family and pray daily for the staff, leaders, those hurting, suffering, and grieving, and for so many that have prayed for me and encouraged me over the years. I carry you all in my heart and my prayers.
Tonight I crossed something off my Bucket List! Something I didn’t even know was on my Bucket List! I learned to drive (and drove!) a Skid Steer with fork lift on the front under the tutelage of Aaron in Treynor.
Tonight I crossed something off my Bucket List! Something I didn’t even know was on my Bucket List! I learned to drive (and drove!) a Skid Steer with fork lift on the front under the tutelage of Aaron in Treynor.