Catching Up With Bill and Betty Code
Carys Parker
Pastoral Intern
This summer, Carys Parker, West Side's Pastoral Intern, will be visiting with some of our members who are not able to be worshiping with us in-person. Be sure to check back each week to see what is happening with our dear friends!
Pastoral Intern
This summer, Carys Parker, West Side's Pastoral Intern, will be visiting with some of our members who are not able to be worshiping with us in-person. Be sure to check back each week to see what is happening with our dear friends!

This week I had the privilege of going with Lin Snavely to visit Bill and Betty Code who just celebrated 75 years of marriage as well as Bill’s 102nd birthday a few weeks ago. The Codes joined West Side in 1970 and for nearly 45 years they cooked for and hosted meals every month for the “Special People” community. When asked what motivated him to keep serving with such dedication and commitment through all those years he smiled before sharing that he hadn’t thought of it so much in terms of “motivation”—it was what they loved to do. Despite all the effort, time and resources it took to run those meals Bill did not reflect on it as “work” he got through but rather a calling he answered to, “I suppose anyone could have done it, but we happened to be the ones who showed up.” And therein lies the remarkable testimony of a couple who have faithfully and humbly walked this life alongside each other, their community and with God. Bill and Betty Code are people who show up, and even now continue to show up for people. Bill shared that one of the things that continues to bring him great joy is being able to be there for his family when they need a place to come and find support, encouragement or a listening ear and Betty, likewise, beamed when asked about the photos of her grandchildren lining the shelves. It was an honor to sit with them awhile and hear about just a small piece of their legacy and learn from their years of faithful discipleship.
If you would like to send the Codes an Anniversary card or a birthday card for Bill (OR both!) please contact the office at or call 206-935-4477.
If you would like to send the Codes an Anniversary card or a birthday card for Bill (OR both!) please contact the office at or call 206-935-4477.
How can we be praying?
Betty was not present for our whole conversation as she needed to rest but at the end of our time with Bill, he asked for prayer for continued ability to think and focus and use his mind well. He shared that he was grateful to have all of his needs provided for but hopes and prays for the life of the Church Universal —that it will continue to grow and bless others as it has blessed him.