Views of West Side

Calling all visual and fiber artists. The church’s Create! Group is putting together an exhibition of art this fall and we welcome any and all West Siders to create a piece for the show. Visual and fiber arts encourage us to draw near to God in our worship and see God’s grace and image in the people of our fellowship community. Exodus 35 describes how God’s Spirit fills people with wisdom, knowledge, and understanding to design and create “all kinds of artistic crafts” (NIV).

West Side is a beautiful place to worship and it is filled with beautiful people who are working to worship and serve God together as a community. We would like to capture visions of those aspects of church in an exhibit this fall!

Types of Visual and Fiber Arts to Explore

Painting, Drawing, Printmaking, Collage, Graphics, Cartooning, Photography, Sculpture, Quilting, Appliqué, Knitting, Embroidery, Beadwork, Weaving, Jewelry, Etc.

Ideas of Views to Show Our Church and Our Church Community

Location - Building, Landscaping, Inside Areas, Stained Glass, Symbolic Elements, etc.
Scripture - Decorated, Illuminated, Illustrated, Embroidered, etc.
People - Serving, Playing, Loving, Praying, Conversing, Worshiping, Singing, etc.
October 1st - Submissions turned in to church (earlier is fine!). If you have questions please contact Susan Henn (